28 Apr

Как много интересных мест в Лондоне! Вот где наш 1 класс уже побывал.

During the Spring term Swallow Class (Year 1) enjoyed educational visits to the V&A Museum of Childhood, the National Gallery, Canada House, the Science Museum and Kew Gardens.
Each trip was carefully paired with topics from ‘The World Around Us’, including; living history, famous artists, space exploration, plants and seasons. The excursions captured our imaginations, enhanced our understanding and enriched our learning.
We look forward to another exciting term of exploring new ideas both in class and around the wonderful city we live in!
12 Apr

Family Fair “Russian Carousel -№2”

More than 250 people from across London attended the Fundraising Family Fair “Russian Carousel -№2” organised by AZBUKA Foundation on Sunday 19th March 2017, when our Russian language, culture and bilingual education centre opened its doors to the wider community.

The aim was to have fun, bring together different groups who share our values, and spread awareness of our school and bilingual education, resource and cultural centre.

We generated £1,600 towards IT equipment, library and educational resources which will help to support our full time school.

Thank you for being with us!

“Azbuka’s spring fair took place in its premises, the spacious, airy hall of a former church on Vernon Road. It was a colourful, bustling affair, with a profusion of Russian artefacts and home-made foods, performances, and various children’s activities. Stylish hand-painted cushion-covers, quirky prints and illustrations jostled with rows of children’s books and of pots of Lithuanian honey set out in graded tones of amber; there were lavish displays of golden loaves of bread, and piles of pirozhki and vatrushki. Russian scarves in vibrant colours and patterns lent a picturesque look to the event.Children ran around excitedly, switching effortlessly between Russian and English, as if it were the most natural thing in the world.” – Ann Brown

Photography: Alisia Green and Natalia Howard:

10 Apr

AZBUKA is closed for the Easter holidays

Dear Parents, Pupils, Friends and Followers.
AZBUKA is closed for the Easter holidays.

Here are the dates children return to school:
19th April 2017 – Russian-English Primary School and Nursery (Mortlake site)
22th April 2017 – Saturday School including all after school clubs (Kew Gardens site)

We wish you all a very nice holidays and look forward to seeing you at the start of the new term.

06 Feb

“RUSSIAN CAROUSEL №2” Family Fair organised by AZBUKA Foundation for wider community

Sunday 19th March 2017, 12-4pm

AZBUKA Russian-English Bilingual School
Vernon Road, SW14 8NH London, United Kingdom

Theatre performance for children in Russian and English (ticket price included in the entry fee!)
Book fair
Arts and crafts
Homemade traditional Russian food
Art Exhibition
Performance by the Children’s String Ensemble
Activities and workshops for children
Interactive circus workshop
Traditional character dances – performed by special guests and Svetlana Malinina
Coffee, tea, refreshments and other pleasant surprises!

Advance bookings:
Adults: £5
Children (4+): £5
Children (2-4 years old): £3
Children under 2 years old: free
Pensioners over 60: free

Tickets at the door:
Adults: £6
Children (4+): £6
Children (2-4 years old): £4
Children under 2 years old: free
Pensioners over 60: free

Due to high interest we recommend to book tickets in advance. You can do so by bank transfer:
Registered charity No. 1153976
Account number 00024450
Sort code: 40-52-40

Please put your surname in a reference field and print your payment confirmation.

This is an annual fund-raising event for the AZBUKA Foundation. Thank you for taking part!

AZBUKA Foundation is a non-profit organisation follow this link for further support and donations.

Thank you for taking part!

01 Jan

AZBUKA is now closed for the winter holidays

Dear Parents, Pupils, Friends and Followers.

AZBUKA is now closed for the winter holidays. Here are the dates children return to school:

10th January 2017 – Russian-English Primary School and Nursery (Mortlake site)
14th January 2017 – Saturday School including all after school clubs (Kew Gardens site)

We wish you all a very Happy New Year and look forward to seeing you at the start of the new term.

31 Dec

Another year came to an end

Another year came to an end and we have celebrated it in style! Here is some photos from AZBUKA concerts and New Year celebrations.

10 Dec

New Year Party at Azbuka

В воскресенье 18 декабря в 16:00

Русско-английская школа АЗБУКА – Vernon Road, London, SW14 8NH, United Kingdom (карта)

Рекомендовано для детей с 3 до 13 лет + взрослые.

И вновь пришло время самого главного праздника для членов Клуба АЗБУКА!

Нам очень приятно, что каждый год это мероприятие пользуется такой популярностью, и не только дети, но и взрослые получают удовольствие от волшебства этого праздника. Это мероприятие отличается творческой атмосферой: домашнее угощение (его приносят с собой все члены Клуба), развлекательная программа, включая выступление фольклорной группы «Изба», традиционные игры и колядки, зимние игры и хороводы, Дед Мороз, лотерея и многое другое!

Новый Год в Клубе АЗБУКA – одно из самых популярных мероприятий, заказывайте билеты прямо сейчас, их очень мало! Билеты в продаже только для членов Клуба Азбука. Вступить в Клуб можно до праздника за символическую цену.

£12.00 за человека
£6.00 дети младше 4 лет
До 1 года – бесплатно

Заказ и оплата билетов:
Bank Transfer: Account: SANTANDER Business
Russian Language Nursery School
Account number 40416634
Sort code 09-06-66
(!) Обязательно напишите Вашу фамилию в reference field при переводе
(!) Обязательно сообщите нам Ваше имя, количество билетов и контактный телефонный номер по адресу office@azbukafoundation.org.

07810013042 (телефон для справок)


19 Oct

Welcome to YEAR 1 at AZBUKA Russian-English Bilingual School!

Year 1 class begins at AZBUKA! This September AZBUKA Russian-English Bilingual School welcomed their first Year 1 to the school.

The children follow a special bilingual programme, which has been developed over many years, based on international in depth research. In the Reception Class the children have lessons in English once a week (10% of all lessons). In Year 1 the lessons are split equally between Russian and English.

We have two wonderful primary school teachers leading the children in the curriculum in Year 1: Sasha Williams (teaching lessons in English); and Elena Rozenberg (teaching lessons in Russian).

New at AZBUKA bilingual school for 2016/17

Starting from this year we have introduced school uniform for the Reception the Year 1 classes.

Also from the 1st November we are able to offer a school canteen service at AZBUKA where children can enjoy hot school dinners. The meals are varied with carefully selected dishes of Russian and European cuisines cooked daily on the school premises!

Visit us

Azbuka will run an Open Evening at the school on the 25th November. Please follow the link to register your interest.

Follow our news on facebook.

Photos by Alisia Zelenska