24 Jun

AZBUKA SCHOOL ADMISSIONS Enrolment for September 2016 intake

The following classes are being enrolled:

  • RECEPTION class for children who will have turned 4 before 1st September 2016.
  • YEAR 1 for children who will have turned 5th before 1st September 2016.
  • NURSERY for children 2-4 years old.

Registration is closing on 5th July 2016!

Please follow this link to requests to register at the AZBUKA RUSSIAN-ENGLISH BILINGUAL SCHOOL and NURSERY. Once your request has been received, you will be sent a pack, which includes an application form. This form must be completed and returned before 5th July 2016.
When allocating places for the Reception and Year 1 classes priority will be given to children whose parents have submitted the relevant forms and paid the deposit before 5th July 2016.

Places are limited!

Application pack includes:

  • Welcome letter
  • Registration form
  • Medical form
  • Overview of policies and procedures
  • Opening hours for the School and Nursery
  • Fees
  • Deposit form
  • Address and photographs of the School/Nursery

Welcome to AZBUKA!

17 Jun

The End-of-year Performance of ‘Barmaley’ at the AZBUKA Russian-English Bilingual School and Nursery

On Friday 17th June we all assembled at the Azbuka Russian-English School and Nursery for a drama production – a matinée performance based on the story of Korney Chukovsky’s ‘Barmaley’.

It was so colourful, cheerful, bright and unique! The children were well prepared and unfazed by the size of the audience. The musical accompaniment was wonderful, as were the songs, the dancing and the stage set, all of it hand-made; the children acted beautifully and even the most fickle audience could not fail to be moved by the performance of our very own Barmaley, small but fearsome, and Aibolit, so caring and cheerful.

Many thanks to our children, their carers and teachers for such an unforgettable performance.

Create and learn – all in Russian!

11 Jun

On the 11th June AZBUKA Saturday School held their lessons in the woodlands of Newlands Corner

On the 11th June AZBUKA Saturday School held their lessons in the woodlands of Newlands Corner – a popular beauty spot that commands some of the best views over the Surrey Hills!

Pupils have had an amazing opportunity to get up close to wildlife – to look, observe research and analyse the nature all around them.

What an adventure! A big thank you goes to all our teachers and parents for making this experience a memory to cherish!

Create and learn in Russian!

09 May

9th May Victory Day – a very special day for all Russians. Reflections on the day by Maria Gavrilova.

Сегодня 9 мая 2016. Приоткроем эту дверь…
Мария Гаврилова.
Сегодня 9 мая. Пару месяцев назад у меня состоялся такой разговор с одной хорошей знакомой: существует вера в то, что горе, несчастье, трагедия облагораживают душу человека, а точнее, именно в такие моменты душа человека начинает расти. Кому-то, на первый взгляд, это может показаться жестоким и парадоксальным. Не каждый ли из нас желает своим родным и близким безоблачной счастливой жизни – без потерь, горя и скорби? И тем не менее, это то, что каждому из нас предстоит пережить когда-то. И вот, поговорив со стариками, узнаешь, что, только познав лишение и горе, начинаешь ощущать полноту жизни. Сам ты стареешь, а душа твоя растет.
Мне представляется, что это явление, несомненно, относится не только к отдельному человеку, но и к целым культурам и нациям. Великая Отечественная Война наряду с чудовищным горем, принесла и пример той великой полноты жизни, о которой нам и нашим детям можно только мечтать.

Сегодня утром в окно автобуса на меня взглянул еще один безоблачный день, который снова и, именно сегодня, показался бездарной карикатурой на жизнь. В этой нищей зарисовке – счастье так часто заключается в последней моделе мобильного телефона, в бесконечных «купить» и «продать», в брэндах и марках, в учебе и школе не для познания мира и не на пути к себе, а в гарантии своего сытого места на всепожирающей ярмарке тщеславия.
9 мая воистину Великий день для русского человека. Он может приоткрыть ребенку дверь в настоящую жизнь. Бесплатно и без связей. Многим из нас посчастливилось быть частью этой живой истории. Последние ветераны уходят, и история остается лишь в книжном и печатном тексте. Как же приоткрыть эту дверь детям? Сухие страницы описания сражений и битв – всё это значимо лишь для историков, учителей и взрослых. Эту дверь можно и нужно приоткрыть с помощью живых историй: через рассказы своих прабабушек, прадедушек, родных, через семейные фотографии, через воспоминания и мемуары, через военную поэзию, литературу, фильмы, через рассказ о жизни самого простого ребенка войны, один день которой, порой, стоил целой жизни толпы сегодня. Откроем ее – не только в память наших предков, а ради жизни наших детей и потомков.
Дорогие друзья АЗБУКИ – родители, знакомые, родные, учителя и дети!Я поздравляю вас с праздником 9 мая, днем Победы. Этот день воистину велик.

А теперь, дорогая, моя собственная бабушка, Людмила Лазаревна Боровская (для других),а для меня просто Буся! Поздравляю тебя, и хочу поблагодарить тебя и Дедульку, который уже не с нами, за то, что вы приоткрыли мне и моим детям дверь в историю настоящей жизни.
Спасибо вам,

АЗБУКА поздравляет всех с праздником Великой Победы! Мы помним и чтим!
Дорогие друзья, мы делимся с вами особым, дорогим нашему сердцу проектом, который был подготовлен учениками и педагогами школы АЗБУКА на 70-ти летие Великой Победы весной 2015 года:

28 Apr

Traditional Russian tea in 19th Century Siberia

On 28th April 2016 the Library hosted a talk by Nick Fielding on two geologists travelling in 19th Century Siberia.

The special evening included a traditional Russian tea served by students from AZBUKA Russian-English school and finished with a display of material from the archives relating to other geologists in Russia from the period.





21 Mar

Registration began for the AZBUKA Russian-English Bilingual School the for the academic year 2016-2017.

The following classes are being enrolled:

  • Reception class for children who will have turned 4 before 1st September 2016.
  • Year 1 for children who will have turned 5 before 1st September 2016.

Period for receipt of applications: 21th March – 10th June 2016.
Requests to register at the AZBUKA RUSSIAN-ENGLISH BILINGUAL SCHOOL should be done via AZBUKA Foundation website please follow this link:

Registration for intake

Once your request has been received you will be sent a pack which includes an application form. This form must be completed and returned before 10th June 2016.
When allocating places for the Reception and Year 1 classes priority will be given to children whose parents have submitted the relevant forms and paid the deposit before 10th June 2016.
Places are limited!
Application pack includes:

  • Welcome letter
  • Registration form
  • Medical form
  • Overview of policies and procedures
  • Opening hours for the School and Nursery
  • Fees- Deposit form
  • Address and photographs of the School/Nursery

Welcome to AZBUKA!

29 Feb

‘Russian Carousel’ Family Fair organised by AZBUKA Foundation

Sunday 13 th March 2016

‘Russian Carousel’ Family Fair organised by AZBUKA Foundation for wider community. All welcome, regardless of nationality!

Entrance charge:
Adults: £7
Children (2-12): £3
Pensioners over 60: free

Dear friends, due to a high interest in the Family Fair “Russian Carousel” we have released the Pay In Advance Option to purchase your entry tickets.
You can do so by bank transfer:
Santander business
Russian Language Kids Club
account number 40508033
sort code 09-06-66
Please put your surname in a reference field and print your payment confirmation.

To include:

  • A book fair. There will be on sale: books for children and adults in various languages, puzzles, jigsaw and games, arts and crafts
  • Puppet theatre for children in Russian and English
  • Performance by the Children’s String Ensemble
  • Art Exhibition
  • Traditional Russian dancing – performed by Svetlana Malinina
  • Dancing for everyone! Lessons in traditional Russian dance
  • Activities for children
  • Coffee, tea, refreshments and other pleasant surprises!

This is an annual fund-raising event for the AZBUKA Foundation.

15 Feb

Calendar of Events – February-March 2016

The following events are scheduled for February and March 2016, to be held in the building of AZBUKA’s Russian-English Bilingual School and Nursery. Please come along! We’d love to see you!

Saturday 27th February – Table top sale

2 – 7 pm AZBUKA Russian-English Bilingual School and Nursery, Vernon Road, Mortlake, London SW14 8NH. See below for details.

Buyers and sellers welcome! Coffee, tea, refreshments.
Sellers should arrive to set up at 1.15 pm.
Charge (including hire of table): £8
Charge (for those bringing their own table): £5

To reserve a space at the sale please call Katya on: 07578585947 or email: katyastyle@yahoo.co.uk

Advance payment is needed, either by cash to the school office or via MY DONATE button on our website Donate Please print you payment confirmation.
Anything can be sold, within reason!

Sunday 28th February – ‘Treasure Trove of Tales’

Welcome to AZBUKA’s ‘Treasure Trove of Tales’ with a theatrical performance of ‘LITTLE BABA-YAGA’. For children aged 4 and over. In Russian. To book tickets please follow this link:


Welcome to AZBUKA’s ‘Treasure Trove of Tales’ with a theatrical performance of ‘LITTLE BABA-YAGA’. Tickets £10. To book your tickets please follow this link:


Theatrical performance for children aged 4 and above, based on the story by German author Otfried Preussler ‘The Little Witch’, in Russian.

Sunday 13th March – ‘Russian Carousel’

‘Russian Carousel’ Family Fair organised by AZBUKA Foundation for wider community.  All welcome regardless of nationality! To include: book fair, live music, puppet theatre for children in Russian and English, exhibition, dancing, children’s entertainment, refreshments and much more. See further details below.

Sunday 11 am – 3 pm 13th March – ‘RUSSIAN CAROUSEL’ Family Fair organised by AZBUKA Foundation for wider community. All welcome, regardless of nationality!

Venue: AZBUKA Russian-English Bilingual School and Nursery, Vernon Road, Mortlake, London SW14 8NH. See below for travel details.

Entrance charge:
Adults: £7
Children (2-12): £3
Pensioners over 60: free

To include:
A book fair. There will be on sale: books for children and adults in various languages, puzzles, jigsaw and games, arts and crafts
Puppet theatre for children in Russian and English
Performance by the Children’s String Ensemble
Art Exhibition
Traditional Russian dancing – performed by Svetlana Malinina
Dancing for everyone! Lessons in traditional Russian dance
Activities for children
Coffee, tea, refreshments and other pleasant surprises!

This is an annual fund-raising event for the AZBUKA Foundation.

Thursday 17th March – Open Evening

7 pm – Open Evening for prospective parents. To register please send your full name to: office@azbukafoundation.org
See below for details.

Thursday 7 pm, 17th March – OPEN EVENING for prospective parents at the AZBUKA Russian-English Bilingual School and Nursery, Vernon Road, Mortlake, London SW14 8NH.

To register please send your full name to: office@azbukafoundation.org

Booking is essential, sooner the better, as places are limited.

The presentation will be given in Russian, questions and answers will be in both Russian and English.
Please note: it is only possible to visit the school during open evenings. Visits at other times are also possible, but would need to be agreed in advance, for parents who are interested in a place for their child in the CURRENT ACADEMIC YEAR. Please contact us and we will arrange a day for you to visit.

Registration has now begun for children for our 2016-2017 intake, for reception (4-5 years old) and Year One (5-6 years).

To register please complete our ‘appliсation to study at the AZBUKA Russian-English Bilingual School or AZBUKA Nursery’ and forward to: office@azbukafoundation.org, providing the following details:

1. Child’s name
2. Date of birth
3. Place required (either in AZBUKA’s Reception Class or in AZBUKA’s Nursery)
4. Surname, name and contact details of parents

You will then receive our full information pack.

Welcome to AZBUKA!

28 Jan

Unexpected and very pleasant surprise!

The joy of learning that our 4 year old son wants to go to school was simply overwhelming. He started Reception year in September 2015 at Azbuka school in Mortlake and after the first term break he was so keen to go back to school that the night before the first day of the second term a miracle happened – he for once behaved as a responsible adult and went to bed without even a hint of trying to sneak out of it.

Several months before that, my wife and I had no problem with making a decision to apply for a place at a school that didn’t even exist at the time – in fact, it didn’t even have any premises to call itself a school. However, the thesis behind the proposition – a fully bilingual education in English and Russian following English curricula – was strong and unique enough for us to take chances.

Then followed a series of pleasant surprises: school building turned out to be in a converted church, which previously had been a host to a school – with all necessary modern fixtures and fittings tastefully contrasting with original church features, an abundance of open space and a variety of kids’ accessories. Teachers and managers turned out to be not only as a dedicated, determined and highly qualified team of professionals, but also interesting and nice individuals. Daily studies and activities are varied, engaging and creative. The whole environment inspires and encourages learning.

So, after all, we should not be surprised our son wants to go to school. In fact, I secretly wish I could somewhat go back in time and go to Azbuka from the age of 4 myself. I am sure had I had that chance I would have done much better in life. But then at least I have an excuse…
Andrei Rybak