03 Dec

Move to online learning provision

Уважаемые родители, ученики и друзья АЗБУКИ. С 1 декабря Русско-английской начальной школе и Детскому саду пришлось перейти на онлайн обучение и встречи. Администрация и офис АЗБУКИ продолжает работать, но не в полном режиме. Мы по-прежнему проверяем почту и отвечаем на ваши письма по мере приоритета. Контактный адрес office@azbukafoundation.org

Мы благодарим вас всех за понимание и поддержку и желаем всем хорошего, крепкого здоровья и терпения.


Dear AZBUKA families and friends. From 1 of December AZBUKA Russian-English School & Nursery had to move to online learning provision. AZBUKA office operates at reduced hours. We do check all the correspondence daily and will be replying to the emails and letters in due course. Please continue to stay safe and healthy and if you need to contact us use this email as first contact office@azbukafoundation.org

Best wishes,


31 Oct

AZBUKA has been elected to full membership of the Independent Schools Association

AZBUKA has been elected to full membership of the Independent Schools Association, the organisation which represents over 500 of the leading independent schools in the UK and around the world.

The move follows an inspection by the Association, and builds on Azbuka’s strong assessment rating by Ofsted, the government’s school inspectorate. Its operations will in future be reviewed by the Independent Schools Inspectorate.

Maria Gavrilova, head and founder of Azbuka, said: “We are delighted at this latest recognition as our school and community expands and gains access to an exciting range of additional resources.”

The Independent Schools Association was founded in 1878 and one of the oldest of the independent schools’ organisations in the UK. ISA membership allow Azbuka’s students to participate in a wide range of arts, drama and sporting events with other schools, enriching the range of enrichment activities available.

It will enhance the school’s access to a wide range of advice, mentoring and support including an induction system and training for teachers and the leadership team, as well as providing a voice in the political debate around education policy.

28 Aug


Dear parents and students, we are looking forward to seeing you all back to Scholl and Nursery this September.Please note a few important dates.

1 September – AZBUKA office re-opens. School Uniform Order Forms will be sent out

3 September – letter to parents with headline information regarding re-opening and new measures in place

4 September, 7 pm – Annual Parent’s Meeting for AZBUKA Russian-English School and Nursery. The meeting will take place in the School Hall with all the necessary safety measures in place. Attendance is compulsory (adults only). The meeting will cover:
– general administration
– safeguarding
– polices and practices this academic year
– meeting teachers
– timetable
– curriculum overview
– prepacked School Uniform Packages will be ready for collection

7 September – all children back to School & Nursery

19 September – Saturday School starts autumn term (to be confirmed)

17 Jul

Summer Holidays & key dates

Dear Parents, Pupils, Friends, and Followers.

AZBUKA is now closed for the Summer Holidays. Here are the key dates:

4th September, 7pm – Important Parents Meeting for the students of Primary School & Nursery

7th September – Russian-English Primary School and Nursery students return to School and Nursery (Hammersmith site)
Saturday School including after school clubs (Kew Gardens site) – to be confirmed

1st September – AZBUKA Office will reopen for parents enquiries. For any urgent enquiries (ADMISSION 2020-2021 only) please contact us by e-mail azbuka.foundation@gmail.com

We wish you all very nice summer holidays and look forward to seeing you at the start of the new school year!


Дорогие друзья!

Школа и Детский сад АЗБУКА закрыты на летние каникулы. Важные даты:

4 сентября в 19:00 – обязательное родительское собрание (Русско-английская начальная школа и Детский сад).

7 сентября – начало занятий в Русско-английской начальной школе и Детском саду.
Субботняя школа + кружки – ждите информацию.

Офис школы АЗБУКА закрыт до 1 сентября. For any urgent enquiries (ADMISSION 2020-2021 only) please contact us by e-mail azbuka.foundation@gmail.com

Хороших вам каникул!

10 May

Distance learning at AZBUKA. Виртуальная школа АЗБУКА.

1. Children investigated where everyday products originated from in Africa and had to create a ‘Messy Map’ as part of their art lesson linked to Topic: Africa/Kenya

2. Creating their own yoga poses. Koala bear

3. African inspired necklace using repeating patterns

4. As part of topic they had to research similarities and differences between their life and a child’s life in Kenya. After doing this, one of our pupils explores other parts of Africa and played a traditional Ghanaian game!

5. Learning about time

6. Kenya travel brochure

7. Using objects for division

8. Personalised stamp

9. Extra! Extra! Read all about it! Year 3s have been journalists investigating the events that have taken place in Ancient China.
These fantastic newspaper reports tell of Aladdin’s prospect of marrying the Princess Badr-al-Budurr. Will all be happy ever after for Aladdin? Watch this space!
10.  Easter Photography Challenge. Well done and thank you to everyone who took part.
10 Apr



Dear parents,

The registration is now open for all new children for AZBUKA Nursery and Sсhool. See below the Admission Procedure (full Admission Policy could be found on our website).

THE DEADLINE FOR RETURNING SHORT REGISTRATION FORM IS 30 APRIL 2020. Please note that we have very limited capacity for some sections of AZBUKA

Kind regards, AZBUKA

Registration and admission (throughout the academic year)

Register your interest by completing the Registration for Intake Form on the home page of our website. You will receive an automated confirmation that your child’s name has been put on the waiting and mailing list. For further information on School and Nursery please see our Prospectus on the website, attend AZBUKA Open Evening for Parents twice a year and follow us on Facebook, Instagram and News Section on our website.

Admission process for the following academic year normally opens in March. Letters and Short Registration form are sent to the parents on the waiting list. We will arrange for you and your child to come for an interview/assessment, or an examination (School from Year 1); and interview /visit (Nursery/Reception).

! Due to the current situation the interviews might be conducted online.

Registration deadline. You confirm your acceptance by sending back the signed Short Registration Form and non-refundable deposit of £40 by the date specified by School. Any supporting documents (covering letters, medical assessments (if applicable), reports, should be received by the school by the date of the interview, examination or the visit day. If any child requires a bursary, the school should also be informed prior to the interview. We will also require any reports (character or academic) from the current or last nursery or school – local or those from abroad. We will make any reasonable adjustments during the admission/interview/examination process for the children with SEND or disability. The assessments/documents will be reviewed by the school prior to the Interview and the parents will be contacted to discuss any special arrangements.

Visit/examination/interview. The parents will be offered a day/time slot for an interview/examination/visit.

Provisional place offer. Successful candidates will receive the official letter offering a provisional place for the child. The full Admission Pack will be sent to you with all relevant instructions, forms and Terms and Conditions.

Admission. The child is officially admitted to Azbuka on receipt of all the necessary documentation of the Admission Pack and the main school deposit (£650). The deadline is specified by the School. The deposit is not refunded if the pupil is withdrawn prior to formal entry (first day of term). The deposit is refunded on request when the child leaves school and the parents give the school a term notice in writing.

Reserve List. If we cannot accommodate the successful candidate, pupil’s name is carried forward and kept on the Reserve List until a place becomes available.

All unsuccessful candidates will be informed in writing.

(for places at AZBUKA Saturday school please fill in the Registration for Intake Online Form)

06 Apr

”Distance learning at AZBUKA is a success story, but we still miss the real school!”

оставить дату: 6 апреля 2020

“Distance learning at AZBUKA is a success story, but we still miss the real school!” – wrote to us our students and parents.

Letter from the governors and Maria Gavrilova head teacher and founder of AZBUKA Foundation (scroll down for English):

Уважаемые и дорогие родители!

Мы переживаем очень сложное, волнительное время – для родителей, учителей и руководителей Школы.

Мы делаем все возможное (и порой, невозможное) для того, чтобы наши дети продолжали обучение в прекрасной школе и садике, единственном подобном русско-английском культурном пространстве в этой стране.

Но, как показывает история и жизнь, ничего не проходит бесследно, ничто не вечно, и ничего не бывает однозначно черным или белым. Потерям и лишениям всегда сопутствует осознание чего-то нового, важного, то, что казалось незначительным раньше. Даже дети начинают ценить то, что раньше казалось простой данностью. Ну и, конечно, такие времена заставляют нас учиться многому новому. За грустью последует радость. Важно попробовать донести это даже до самых маленьких детей.

Я думаю, что многие из нас теперь еще больше ждут возвращения в настоящую реальную АЗБУКУ – и дети, и родители, и учителя. А те, кто покидает нас в конце учебного года, возможно, приведут в будущем своих младших детей, внуков или друзей.

Я желаю вам спокойных весенних каникул вместе со своими семьями и очень надеюсь на скорую встречу.

Мария Гаврилова,
Директор Школы, учредитель фонда

Dear parents,

As you know, coronavirus has imposed a heavy burden, directly affecting the health of some of us and the lives and incomes of everyone.

With the school closure measures imposed by the government, Azbuka will unfortunately be unable to operate from its premises in the summer term and the nursery classes will not run, but we will continue to run our online School providing excellent distance learning for our pupils.

The Reception teachers are preparing few online sessions/resources to support the additional learning of this group while staying at home.

The staff and governors are doing everything possible to minimise the impact of these measures, maintain our excellent staff, continue to run the primary school online and prepare for our future resumption of full operations – which we hope will happen by the time of the next academic year.

Your support will show solidarity and ensure that we can continue the work of AZBUKA Nursery and school in the autumn term.

Dear colleagues,

The governors held their most recent meeting this Friday, and were very keen to write to you to express their deep gratitude for your extraordinary efforts and dedication at Azbuka at this difficult time.

You have proved exceptional in your capacity to maintain high quality teaching, adapt to online learning and develop additional resources with very little notice – all while coping with the stress of coronavirus on your own and your families’ health and daily existence.

With your continued efforts, we are confident that Azbuka will continue to operate, resume its full activities and grow in the months ahead.

Thank you again for your wonderful commitment to making Azbuka such a successful school. It is deeply appreciated.

With best wishes,

AZBUKA Governors

Image by Yulia Somina

20 Mar


Dear parents,

On behalf of the governors and staff of AZBUKA, we thank you for all your support and understanding at this difficult time.

Our top priority is the health of our children, teachers and community, alongside our pupils’ continued education. We are constantly in contact with each other and colleagues elsewhere, and are monitoring official advice from the health and education authorities to decide how best to respond.

The teachers have been preparing learning packs and developing distance learning options so we can continue to keep children supported in the weeks ahead. Different areas of learning and subjects have been covered, including non-screen family activities and additional complementary resources. We will be in touch again soon with further information and advice.

We are also exploring different ways for AZBUKA to continue its work. We also ask for your support, understanding and solidarity at what is a difficult time for our operations.

Together, the AZBUKA community can live our values and re-emerge stronger in the future.

For all news and memos, please refer to our school website (NEWS) or your e-mail address.

Maria Gavrilova, headteacher